Prai’s stylist check!
Our staff, Prai’s stylist check (exam) was on the 26th of September, 2014. Very special day for all of us. Prai has started to work with us as an assistant 3years ago since she didn’t know what is ” hair stylist ” all about… From the day she decided to be a stylist, she has been practicing very hard every day.
All of us supported her… teaching, demonstration, looking for cut models… On the stylist check day, she had to do a presentation of 10 models with different hair style and her hair cut demonstration in front of our creative director, Mr. Mogi. She had to organize everything by herself for this day.
Her concept for this presentation was ” CLOUD”. The sky is one. Clouds are all white but various shape in the sky.
She wanted to portray this feeling in her show.
So, the show has started!

Everybody was helping her; make up and set up.

Her cut demonstration has started!

After her demonstration, 10 cut models came out for the presentation. Did she impress Mr. Mogi ?! You can see from his smile:) Khun Neng, her husband (Center), boy creative director who made this short movie, Dai (Left) and our big boss, Khun Amorn look soo happy as well!

SOOOO, the result was… as you see!!
Congrats Prai!